Tag: #superbowl

I know, I know, it’s Super Bowl Sunday. Who isn’t posting about the super bowl right now? IG posts talking about the 49ers and Chiefs. I’m not a fan of football in the least, but I’ve been fortunate to live in the Bay Area for the past 7 or 8 years and have seen the […]

$1,000,000 asking price? For real? Seems like a lot but I really wouldn’t know…only 10 in the world, though.The moral of the story? #gradedgoesformore, although, I wonder what the inflection point (the point where it’s worth more ungraded than the graded) would be for a card when there’s only 10 in the world?.

Grading is crazy. I mean…if the difference between companies shows a 100x difference in price – how trustworthy is the lowest priced brand vs. the highest priced brand? The grade remains consistent at 10/10, but the price fluctuates from $350 to $30k 😂 .