3 beers in – he starts asking me about Kobe shoes. Not so much about Nike selling out. But more about how my students are (or aren’t) into them. ⁣

I told him that my students really don’t care about Kobe shoes, but I could see the death of Kobe as a catalyst for a significant change in the Jordan market. ⁣

With Nike having released 183 Jordan Brand RETRO releases in 2019 and 176 in 2018, the market is flooded and the Kobe market is just getting started. Obviously, the Jordan catalog goes 3-4 times as deep as the Kobe catalog, but the majority of the sneaker buying demographic don’t even know what Michael Jordan looks like, let alone the impact he had on the game.⁣

I guess what I’m trying to ask is – is there any way the greater sneaker market starts moving away from Jordans and towards Kobes? Is there a snowballs chance in hell that happens?⁣

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