3/ Once that dude responded – the guy from Mongolia – I told him I was really curious as to why Mongolian buyers were buying all of my Flightposites and random ‘Posite’ shoes. I didn’t totally understand why they weren’t interested in Foamposites (of which I had a couple pairs listed), but felt I was onto something.
After a bit of back and forth, I asked the guy if I could ‘interview’ him and he agreed….I’ll break up the ‘interview’ into a few separate posts so it doesn’t seem so long, but it was a good hour or so we talked online. Here’s the first part…keep in mind this was over GChat so I cleaned up some of the spelling errors we both made. * The Sneaker Savant: can we start off with you telling me a bit about the sneaker scene in mongolia? do you go to mongolia often or are you a recent transplant from there?
– Temuuijn: i go once a year i missed last year planning to go there this year
* The Sneaker Savant: ok, so can you tell me about what the sneaker scene is like out there…and how it compares or contrasts to the scene we have here in the states? how or where do you mainly buy sneakers? is it mostly online or do you have favorite shops or specific dealers?
– Temuuijn: i usually buy from the store [that] carries vintage stuffs. the best selling shoes are like Reebok – es 22 , reebok shaqnosis, nike more uptempo, flightposite, pureposite, nike signature player , jordan camp23, jordan team j etc. because we started wearing sneakers from 1998m but not the jordan’s, we do like Jordan’s but from China there are ton’s of Replica jordan’s. People don’t like to wear them also, reselling price between retro jordan’s and vintage basketball is much different not here in Seattle, just google the store . and call them

Interview continued on next post….