Speaking of Supreme – how are y’alls mini-cacti doing? Anyone have a mini-cacti that is no longer a mini-cacti? Anyone have a Supreme mini-cacti that grew into a full grown cactus? ⁣

Prices have remained relatively stable – looks like the market has them at around $25 almost 2 years after they initially released for $18. ⁣

So…a few questions for those of you who purchased a Supreme mini-cactus from the actual drop (ie: on Supreme’s website the day it was released)…⁣
◈ Is your Supreme mini-cactus still alive?⁣
◈◈ If so, how often did you water it? ⁣
◈◈ If so, has it gotten any bigger?⁣
◈ Did you use your Supreme mini-cactus as an actual key chain? ⁣
◈◈ If so, did the case get scratched? ⁣
◈◈ If so, did the cactus ever come loose in the case?⁣
◈ If Supreme dropped this item again, would you cop it again? ⁣
◈ Why did you buy this item? ⁣

And…I’m super curious to know if any of my followers know anyone who purchased the Supreme mini-cactus on the secondary market (ie: StockX, eBay). ⁣

Pretty sure StockX no longer sells this item. I can’t imagine what something like this would go for as soon as the cactus died…at that point you just have an empty case. I suppose you could put something cool in there but still kind of ridiculous. ⁣

I joke a lot but I am seriously curious on the thought process behind this one…I understand Supreme does these things because we talk about them and that’s how Supreme stays relevant and it’s how Supreme sells all kinds of crap, but I’d be very curious to know why anyone would spend their hard earned money on this one….⁣

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