I’m not the biggest @champagnepapi hater, nor am I the biggest fan. I don’t hate him as much as most people my age seem to, but I could definitely live my life without ever listening to another one of his songs on purpose. Drake has about as much to do with basketball and basketball culture as…I dunno…dental floss (the first thing I saw while typing this out)…so why am I talking about Drake?
Some of y’all might remember the image on the left from the last all-star game that Kobe played in – during his ‘farewell tour’ year…it was such a great pic – Lebron and Kobe going toe to toe and both just completely relishing the moment. But let’s be honest – this moment (and one of the coolest photos from the game) was kinda ruined by Drake. Look at him. Standing there front and center looking like a total asshole.
Scrolling through my Facebook feed, I came across this post…this dude posted the original pic and said “Drake ruined arguably one of the greatest basketball photos of all time. Can anyone with real skill remove him from the image?”
Within a few comments, someone came up with a pretty good rendering. I wish I could give credit but the ‘curated feed’ doesn’t easily let you go back. If anyone knows the person who requested or fixed it – please tag and I’ll give credit.