(2/2) When I landed in Heathrow, I was expecting to see my dad there, but he wasn’t and I was scared. I was terrified, actually. And the flight attendant that was on my flight saw me sitting alone and actually sat with me for about 3 hours until my dad finally arrived…something happened on the tube and they shut down service so he had to figure out another way to reach me. ⁣

When my dad finally made it, he was on one side of the immigration line and I was on the other. He was talking very animatedly with the immigration agent and gesturing wildly with his hands…this went on for a while and I was still seated. I had no idea what was going on. And then…the immigration agent came over to me and said ‘let’s get you into the country.’ I got up and as I got up, I saw a large group of black guys walk in…and…in the middle of the group was an awfully familiar face…this dude was wearing a Raiders hat, a black crewneck, and a donkey rope: it was Ice Cube. He pulled up and sat in the seat I was just sitting in. Apparently he was in town for the 1994 Reading festival.⁣

I was kind of in shock and I didn’t know what to do. The immigration guy and my dad were feverishly dealing with whatever it was they were dealing with and I was on one side of a yellow line and my dad was on the other. After a few minutes, the immigration agent finally said to me ‘welcome to the UK.’ And as he said that, he literally pointed me over the yellow line that was the border. My dad gave me a huge hug and said ‘let’s get going’. I looked up and I said ‘But dad, that’s Ice Cube, can I get his autograph?’ My dad looked at me quizzically – ‘who’s Ice Cube?’ ⁣

A minute later, I called out to Ice Cube ‘hey, can I please have your autograph?’ Cube looked at me with that angry scowl and said ‘yea come on over here’. I looked at my dad who looked at the immigration agent who was looking at me and my dad looked over to Cube and shouted out ‘hey man, it just took my son 4 hours to cross that line…’ Cube chuckled, sauntered over, grabbed an immigration card and signed it: ‘Stay up – Ice Cube’

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