All of a sudden I’m fascinated with this shoe. Goddamn it’s ugly.
The girl on the left had to show her booty with the Pink Martine Rose’s and she only got 26 likes. I’m pretty sure that I don’t have to show my booty with the Black Martine Rose’s to get that many likes (make me proud, people!).
I had to hashtag search to see if I could find people *actually* wearing it. Funny enough, there were only 300 or so hashtags for #martinerosenike and the vast majority of them were from fashion bloggers in Asia (I’m presuming mostly Japan) and a handful from Europe. I didn’t see anyone from the US really rockin ‘em. Swipe to see a few other gems.
I took ‘em out the box again and I was trying to figure out how they made them…like…if you look at how most shoes are created it’s a whole bunch of different panels sewed together to construct around a shape. The bumps on the Martine Rose’s pair aren’t all that strategically placed, though, so it’s kind of hard to picture how they were made. I put my hands inside and tried to figure it out – I think maybe they pre-stretched the bumps (these shoes are all made of plastic – not leather – so easier to heat mould) and filled each one with some kind of foam. I have no idea, though. Any ideas?