I remember this day vividly…It was February, and the girlfriend and I went down by the Coney Island housing projects so she could take her New York drivers test…I knew there’d be quite a bit of time that I’d be sitting around doing nothing so I decided to dress warm (couldn’t forget the #steeptech) and bring my camera. I wanted to get some shots of the beach and a few more of just the things I came across…
I don’t know if you’ve ever walked on a New York beach in February, but it is a special thing. It’s almost like a scene from Star Wars. It’s brutally cold and windy and, of course, it’s completely abandoned. All of the sand has been blown over the landscape so it creates a bit of a ‘blanket’ effect…it almost looks like a snowy landscape like I grew up around in Lake Tahoe. Everything is super washed out and smooth. It’s beautiful. And the wind creates almost this smoky effect when the sand is blowing a few inches off the ground – it looks like movie special effects.
Anyways…back to the story…I was walking around the beach while my wife was taking her drivers test, right outside the projects. As I was walking around taking pics, enjoying the solitude, I saw a shoe half poking out of the sand. I walked over to it, kinda rolled it over, and saw it was the Richard Jefferson Shox with the NYC block logo on the strap. I can’t lie, I smiled. That logo yet again. Roped me right in. Yes, I considered buying this pair too, especially since I saw it all over the place on DEEP DEEP discount and it was one of the only NYC logo’d pairs at the time.
So I snapped the pic…looked up…and saw a NYC garbage can looking me dead in the eye…so I snapped a pic of that one too.
Such a visceral New York experience for me.