Some of ya’ll might remember my buddy @danposite…he passed away a year or so ago, but I’ve kept in touch with his brother @tommygvns ever since. I asked if he wanted to share a story about his brother and this is what he sent me:
Ok so back in 2011-12 Danny and I were sitting in the living room watching tv while he was raving about a pair of sample mocha foamposite one that he sold to @foamersimpson) while he was on his computer building a pair of Air Max 1’s on NikeID. He considered this a worthy moment to pay homage to one of his favorite Air Maxes of all time – The @kidrobots (Edit: I ALSO have a story about @danposite and the Kid Robots). Danny had the color combination and layout set, and the final touch was to personalize the heel text: ‘Dan’ on the left, ‘Bot’ on the right. He clicked ‘order’ and we went back to watching TV.

3 weeks or so fly by and me and him meet up like we did every weekend. He brought the NikeID box and thought it’d be great to unbox them in front of me…so…out he pulls this insanely crisp pair of Nike IDs and they were pristine. Perfect. Danny turned the first shoe around – Dan…then the second shoe – WTF – it read ‘Boy’ instead of ‘Bot’. At first he was super pissed but then started to laugh, cuz through most of his life – especially in the early days of ISS and #niketalk – he went by danEboy (pronounced Danny Boy), so in a way the mistake was like a perfect mistake. He wore them around me a lot, and I remember him telling me wanted to make another pair in the “pink pack” colorway, but unfortunately he unfortunately he passed before being able to place that order.
Nike ID changed throughout the years, but to my best ability I recreated his “pink pack but still my own personal touch” Air Max 1s.
RIP to not only Daniel Adam Witkowski but RIP to danEboy, RIP Danposite, and RIP to the greatest person I ever had the chance to know, my brother.