Saw these on @pgknows feed and I was immediately transported back to 2000…the first time I ever bid on a pair of shoes on eBay. I had just made my first successful purchase on eBay – a used copy of @snoopdogg#doggystle on CD (I had the cassette for 5+ years, so I felt emboldened to try my hand at shoes that never made their way to the markets in Santa Cruz.
This is that first pair I ever bid on. I think I bid $16 on a used pair of these and I lost the auction at the last minute. I was so pissed, I sent a message to the winner telling him about what a dick he was for sniping the auction and the dude responded with an apology 😂 he also told me ‘this is actually what eBay recommends’
I’m always on the lookout for a similar pair but I rarely find them in my size. I have a pair of the blue/orange/white NYC pair that is currently sitting in my #tssgrailbox (I’ll post pics soon). if y’all want this pair you should head on over the @pgknows and give him a follow.
Since then, I’ve bid on probably more than 2,500 pairs of shoes on eBay. Any similar eBay stories out there?