(3/12) A year or so flies by and, through following Jaysse on Facebook and contacting him time and time with my random pickups & sneaker app ideas, I’m watching this dude build his dream brick by brick… I distinctly remember him posting a pic of himself standing in the hallway of the house he’s living in and both sides of the hallway have shoeboxes stacked floor to ceiling (I went digging for it but couldn’t find it). That was my first inkling that this dude was getting there.⁣⁣
I see him taking pics of being at campouts, and so many shoe boxes. Sooo sooo many shoe boxes. And before long, he signs a lease and has a shop. He says it’s at a mall off the strip, but I see him painting the walls and installing shelves and rallying people for help. And then he posts a pic of opening day…there’s not much on the shoe wall but he keeps putting the word out – ‘best payout rate in the country. bring me your pairs so I can sell them.’⁣⁣
And I’m watching him…grow and grow and grow. The pairs on his wall are doubling. Then tripling. Then quadrupling. And before long, he’s got a full blown shop. ⁣⁣
And it’s inspiring. It’s really inspiring to see someone build their dreams and watching them grow. And so I get inspired.⁣ And it plants a seed in my brain…what can I do?⁣
Before long, he’s having video game tournaments in shop and he’s having special guest appearances and he’s got food and he’s got customs and he’s got @floydmayweather coming through and…⁣it’s relentless.⁣
And…then he came up with this idea…the ‘heat locker’. You’ve probably seen these things all over the place…aka ‘keymasters’, where people pay $1 in hopes of winning a pair of Yeezys or Air Mags or whatever is hot. I see them *all* over the place (even today). He starts *killin* it with the heat locker. I mean people are coming from all over the world for their shot at a pair of Yeezys for $1…(google it if you don’t know what I’m talking about). And then @complexsneakers picks up the story. And he’s on a roll.⁣ And then…my brain starts moving…⁣

(oh, and If you haven’t put it together yet, Jaysse Lopez is the guy who would later become @twojskicks ). ⁣

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