So yesterday I saw a ton of posts about #niketalk having it’s 19th anniversary. Believe it or not – the first time I visited niketalk it was through a modem on my Motorola Razr plugged into my laptops 512k card. Seriously.
I, amongst hundreds of thousands of others, would like to thank the founders of NT for creating a space where us ‘weirdos’ could gather to talk about sneakers (sneaker collecting wasn’t always ‘cool’ – it was once considered an oddity). I met a ton of dudes through Niketalk to which I’ll always be grateful – shoutout to the dudes still holdin it down @danposite@solesupreme23@saistv@sdubl@johncoco and @joerdan23tn_kooth and the dudes I never met but found their posts amazing (@benballer , @wale and @dependablejay)

I google image searched ‘Niketalk’ and funny enough these are the top pics – Nothing but slim thick women and the swag surf dude… 😂 The general forum was LIT 🔥 I’d say my favorite thread was the ‘lurker photobomb’ thread, where people posted pics of random photobombs that were either hella creepy or hella funny…I guess you had to be there.